Hull Creek Fire and AWS Lookout Site

Hull Creek Lookout was built during WWII for the purpose as an Aircraft Warning Observation Post. In 1942, the AWS built a 10x10 foot, 2-story structure, and a 12x20 garage was also added the following year. After the war, this site was used for fire detection and eventually abandoned in 1962. The observation post was needed to cover a specific area. We learn from a March 19, 1942 AWS document about the access to Hull (Creek) Lookout. “This point is situated in the NW1/4NE1/4, Sec. 17, T11N, R7W. The crew is now engaged in building a cat road from the end of the present CCC road to the lookout point. This road will probably be about two miles in length. This will be a road of low standard with grades up to 20 percent, but due to the rough, steep country it still presents something of a job in construction. The present plan is to camp the men in a tent nearby until a new house can be constructed. A temporary telephone line has been put up for 8.5 miles but it will be necessary to replace this soon with a permanent line. From comments of the various men who had visited this point, it is a very good point for airplane detection and fire detection and will be used as a permanent lookout by the State fire organization.”
Elevation: 2,042 feet
Distance: 0.5 mile
Elevation gain: 200 feet
Access: Good Gravel
Pacific County, Washington
Olympic Lookouts
Washington Lookouts
From Highway 4 east Naselle a few miles, take the Salmon Creek Road north. You can also take the Deep River Valley road but it is not as nice. Follow the Salmon Creek Road to a Y at a DNR sign board. Here you can take the best route to the right uphill or continue on the paved Salmon Creek Road which goes along the river bottom in a scenic area but also prone to flooding. Use map provided. Near the top is a recent harvested area. You can drive to just below the old lookout site.
From the highpoint of the road, climb through the woods to reach the summit. But, a more interesting route would be to follow the remaining section of old road to the summit. When you hit the summit ridge, park. Go into the woods up the ridge and follow it until you reach the old road that follows the ridgetop all the way up.
hull creek AWS map hull creek hull creek dnr road garage location hull creek lookout map hull creek lookout hull creek road Views old trail hull creek road aws stove pipe hull creek observers station lookout site
Old stove pipe
Old low standard road to the summit
Old low standard road to the summit
Hull Creek Lookout Site
Old trail from summit going north
Metsker Map
1975 Metsker Map
metsker map
AWS Observers - Joel Johnson and Leroy Sundquist
Hull on the AWS map
Views from road near vehicle highpoint
AWS Document
Hull station on private land, existing station reconditioned (prob an error), retain after war for State of Washington. 12x20 garage built with AWS
Hull Creek Lookout 1955
Hull Lookout AWS document
AWS Accessibility Report
Hull code, coordinates, date established, telephone number and location.
1980 Metsker
Hull Creek garage ordered
Final road below the lookout site, must climb up woods on right