Road into Great Basin National Park
Camping in a summer campground at the trailhead
Snowshoeing the road to the trailhead
Treeline and Wheeler Peak
Getting up there, 13,000 feet
Summit ridge
Getting close to the summit
Wheeler Peak should be Nevada's highest peak. Its location, scenery and history far surpass the embarrassingly "just a bit higher" Boundary Peak on the California-Nevada line who attaches himself to a much larger California peak. Wheeler was my first Great Basin climb, a winter ascent that took 2 days. I lived in Seattle, had climbed little other than in Washington and just getting to the peak was like being on the moon, totally foreign. It was this experience that led me years later to move to The Great Basin.

Wheeler Peak

Distance: 4 miles (+4 more in winter)
Elevation Gain: 3,000 feet
Summit Elevation: 13,063
Access rating: Level 1
The Route: Nevada Hiking & Climbing
From the summer trailhead parking area at 10,000 feet, follow the trail up. I did it with about 10 feet of snow in winter with no problems, a nice snowshoe trip. Much of the upper route is on the exposed ridgeline where winds or sun could be an issue. In winter, you will be starting at 7,800 feet at the Upper Lehman Creek Campground. Follow the Lehman Creek trail until you loose it, then just head up the drainage where you will run into the Wheeler Peak camp and merge onto the trail route just beyond.
From Baker Nevada, drive the Wheeler Peak Scenic Drive (Hwy 488) for 12 miles to the trailhead parking just before the Wheeler Peak Campground. In winter, the road is only plowed to Upper Lehman Creek Campground at 7,800 feet and you start there.
Wheeler Peak map
Nevada Hiking
Ultra 57 Peaks
Teresa Lake near the Bristlecone Pine Grove
Jeff Davis Peak and Wheeler Peak from the Mather Overlook
View from the summer trailhead parking area
Great Basin National Park peaks from Baker Archaeological Site
Summer Trail to road just off map
Snowshoeing Wheeler Peak Great Basin National Park Treeline and Wheeler Peak Great Basin National Park Wheeler Peak summer campground wheeler peak Great Basin National Park Great Basin National Park wheeler peak campground Wheeler Peak wheeler peak
Snowshoeing the road to the trailhead
wheeler peak wheeler peak Wheeler Peak views Wheeler Peak summit ridge Baker Archaeological Site Wheeler Peak from the Mather Overlook Wheeler Peak Road Bristlecone Pine Grove
View West
Route over to Baker
On the ridge
Treeline and Wheeler Peak
Reaching the campground sign
Looking back
Past the campground