Dome Plateau from Fisher Towers
Dome Plateau has 1320 feet of prominence and is the highest point in the triangle of I-70 and Highways 191 and 128. Although it is just the highest point on a large plateau, the eastern face drops straight down to the meandering Colorado River. In the distance to the west is Arches National Park. My expectations were quite low for this highpoint, not even knowing if the juniper trees would afford a view. This highpoint is just a compromise when my wife says she wants to go to Moab. Whatever the view on top, I can always sell the idea that we are just "4 wheeling in Moab". Luckily, since I did drag my family and sister-in-law to the summit, the views were spectacular.

Dome Plateau

Distance: Under 1 mile
Elevation Gain: 160 feet
Summit Elevation: 6,060 feet
Access: Rough roads Your online resource for hiking, climbing and travel
The roads to get to the start of the route aren't bad but you'll want high clearance and dry conditions. I've put some maps below but a more detailed map will be helpful. The fastest route from the west is to take the Yellowcat exit off I-70, which is two exits east of Crescent Junction. The Yellowcat Trail goes southeast in a long straight shot into the Poison Strip (named for the arsenic in the soil which killed the grazing sheep). After 8.8 miles from the highway, the Dome Plateau road goes to the right but its easy to miss. There are several turnoffs before this road so follow the map as you go. Follow the Dome Plateau road to its highest point where it takes a southern turn near its end. There is room for one car.....barely.
There is an old road to the summit but it is faint and has been covered with debris at the beginning to prevent use. My kids had no problems walking to the top so the terrain isn't too bad. If you loose the road, try to make it onto the ridge (not noticeable on map but it's there). The hike is under a mile with little brush if you can keep on the old road. The summit has a benchmark called "Squaw".
Utah Climbing
Dome Plateau Map Summit of Dome Plateau Dome Plateau Colorado River Castleton Tower Fisher Towers Professor Valley Dome Plateau Map Arches National Park Moab camping
Windows section of Arches National Park from camp. Delicate arch is in the rocks on bottom left, we could see the flash photography happening after dusk.
Elephant Butte
La Sal Mountains
View of Dome Plateau from Fisher Towers Trail
Summit of Dome Plateau
Looking northwest from the summit of Dome Plateau
Panoramic to the east showing the Colorado River on left and the La Sal Mountains to the right
Convent, Sister Superior and Castleton Tower
Fisher Towers in distance
Professor Valley