Highway 2 Hikes
Stefan did his homework and was quite sure no other climbers-peakbaggers had tagged these two summits located in the Spada Lake watershed. His invitation could not be passed up. We did rope up in one section but overall, the upper mountain was just some basic route finding and steep slopes. Stefan named the summits. Rojo is red in Spanish and mirrors the nearby official Red Mountain on maps. Not sure what the reasoning for Rouge was about other than the summit is out of the way to anything and unless you were peakbagging anything with 400+ feet of prominence, you would never go there.
Elevation: 5,360+ feet
Prominence: 480 feet

Rouge Peak

Elevation: 5,158 feet
Prominence: 758 feet

Rojo Mountain

            First Known Ascents
                  May 19, 2001
Stefan Feller, Eric Willhite, Jeremiah Pierucci
This is one of the occasions where I can not remember the exact route but I will show approximately where we climbed on the map below. Stefan had this one all planned out so I did not know the route until arrival.
rojo peak map Spada Lake Red Mountain rojo climb Frostbite Peak rojo climb Red Mountain
Few pictures were taken because once we were in the trees and out of the clearcut area, their were no views and the summit was in the clouds.
Yellow line is the best I can remember for the route we took up both peaks.
Red Mountain
Spada Lake
Even Red Mountain sees very few ascents today
Frostbite Peak area
Stefan in the mess of the scramble