Overlook Park

At just over one acre, overlook park is really not a park but a wide pull-out with excellent views of Shelton, the lumber mill, and the Olympic Mountains. There is also a historic marker, the Big Wheel (see below). Overlook Park is open daylight hours only...this is not make-out point! Nearby space for possible future expansion, this is the gateway to the city. The welcome to Shelton sign is at the edge of the park.

Shelton Parks & Recreation

Shelton Homes
Mason County Parks
1200 Olympic Hwy South
One of the largest ever built, this 11 foot wheel ran bandsaws on Shelton waterfront from1926 until 1967. It was originally built to saw spruce for World War One aircraft. In 41 years under McCleary and Simpson ownership this bandmill sawed three billion board feet, enough to house over one million people. Dedicated to Shelton mill workers by Simpson Timber Company on its 80th anniversary May, 1970.
Big Wheel
Oakland Bay Overlook Park overlook park map Overlook Park Overlook Park Shelton Mills Shelton sign Big Wheel Downtown Shelton
Overlook Park pull-out
Oakland Bay
Shelton Mills
The Big Wheel
Future expansion of overlook park?
Downtown Shelton with the Olympic Mountains
Park has the gateway into Shelton sign