Milford Sound Cruise

New Zealand
New Zealand
With dramatic cliffs, unique marine life and hundreds of waterfalls, Milford Sound is probably the top location to visit in New Zealand. Getting there is half the fun, the last hour of driving is incredible. The 1.2 km Homer Tunnel was opened in 1954 so tourists could easily access the fiord. The tunnel is single lane and travels through solid rock, with both sides have very dramatic cliffs that no road could ever climb over. Once at the fjord, numerous boat cruises leave each hour. Reservations are recommended ahead of time. Its a long day from Queenstown but you can definitely drive to Milford Sound in the morning, take a cruise, then drive back in the evening. Most cruises are only 1.5 hours and see nearly all the sound. At the parking area and boat docks, you can find short hiking trails to waterfalls and shoreline trails.
boat cliff face milford sound sound tour Bowen Falls new zealand milford sound new zealand sound waterfall milford sound waterfalls waterfalls Milford Sound Harrison Cove new zealand Tasman Sea milford sound map
new zealand
Entering the Tasman Sea
Harrison Cove
Entrance to Milford Sound
Bowen Falls