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Hermitage Tennessee

TN Travel
WillhiteWeb.com: U.S. Travel
The best way to learn about the life of Andrew Jackson is to visit his mansion at The Hermitage. It served as his home, an office, a gathering hall and a place for entertaining. The mansion has been carefully restored with most of Jacksons original belongings. The Hermitage garden, grounds, and cotton plantation hold the stories of the livelihood and lifestyle of the Jacksons family. The grounds continue to offer a retreat for visitors today. On the grounds, the First Hermitage can be found with its original farmhouse and log kitchen where the family lived until completion of the mansion. It was eventually converted to slave quarters. Interpretive signs explain how these buildings tell two sides of a story for visitors. The original property owner Nathaniel Hays and subsequent owners Andrew Jackson and Andrew Jackson Jr. directed the construction of dozens of outbuildings necessary to operate the 1,000-acre cotton plantation. Remains of several of these, including the yard cabin and ice house can be explored by visitors. In the garden is the tomb of Andrew Jackson, buried next to his wife Rachel and other family members. There are audio tours for the grounds and out buildings while the mansion is explored by short guided tours.

Andrew Jacksons House

Slaves Cabin cemetery Cotton First Hermitage garden andrew jackson Dining area Hermitage mansion Hermitage Tennessee Mansion Hermitage slaves cabin Picnic area dollar bill Andrew Jackson
Hermitage Tennessee
The Mansion
The Mansion
The back of the Mansion
Slaves Cabin
First Hermitage
Dining area in mansion
First view of the mansion (trees growing after original trees destroyed by storm)
Cotton growing
In the mansion garden
Picnic area
In the slaves cabin
The cemetery in the garden
In the visitors center
Grave of Andrew Jackson